Today I want to thank my sewing students. I can't believe it's been 15 months since I started the sewing studio it all started with my first three students Amy, Pat and Sam. Yesterday Sam would not of been happy with me at all.My two hour class lasted for almost 3 and half hours. That's what happens sewing is sew exciting you lose trace of time.
Thank you for all your hard work, for listening to the instructions. Pinning the way you sew! Learning to use the iron even the little ones. Being patient, keeping calm and sewing on!
I hope to inspire and keep you sewing for both our lifetimes. I will keep posting your projects on Facebook and now I've added a board to my Pinterest called Student's project. You know how I love Pinterest.
Thank you for sending me messages, thank you for all the likes on Facebook, and I see some of you are starting to find me in other social media outlets. You know I love technology, thanks Julio.
I just want to make sure that even if you are not taking classes you are still sewing. You and I both know you love it, remember I was there when you were trying to hide the excitement of your finished project or how to finally use your machine that was still in the box!
Many years of happy sewing and thank you for coming to my little studio.