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Friday, September 28, 2012

UFO Class (Unfinished Fabric Objective)

     Unfinished fabric Objective (UFO) is something I have been think of for years.  The other day one of my students said to me you should have everyone come in and help you finish your unfinished projects.  I said nobody wants to help me finish my projects, but I remembered the idea from way back when about this class I wanted to do.
     I think will be a great class, because it will be people the chance to clean up their sewing rooms and mine.  I have these great embroideries I want to do something with that I think are older than my son. It will also give people a chance to ask for help that are stuck on a certain project and can't move on to get it done.

My UFO not sure if I should make a pillow or just frame it.

This class will run the 4th Friday of the month starting at 7:00pm for $5.00.  People can stay for as little or long as they want.  Hope to see you there, and maybe we can help you get rid of all your UFOs.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Sewing/ Crafting dream

Here goes everything in a blog post. I have always wanted a sewing/ crafting room, now I'm getting 3.  It's very exciting and a little scary at the same time.  I'm happy because now people will have a local place where they can learn to use all the supplies they have been buying over the years. A place where people can come alone or with their friends and family and try something new they never thought they could do. A place to share a laugh and relax without being judged if it's right or wrong. If it looks wrong there's always a seam ripper or a bow, not a big deal.  Everything can be fixed with a little embroidery or paint or glue.  The rule of thumb is you measure twice and cut once and I almost forgot never use my fabric scissors on paper.  Hope you come and sew and craft with me or maybe paint in the Shiny Princess room.



Friday, September 7, 2012

Halloween Costume Class

Here is the flier for one of my specialty classes.  I will be adding Specialty sewing classes as they are requested or I feel they are needed in order to finish off certain projects.