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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sewing Birthday party

I'm so excited, I had my first sewing Birthday party. It was very busy. I had eight new sewers on my hand. I hand to teach them to use the machines, make sure the used them safe, followed directions and sewed straight. They did great! I think I enjoyed the experience as much as they did. There is nothing like the feeling of hearing someone new saying this is so much fun. That's all I wanted out if my day, to make sewing fun.  Here are some of the handbags they made. Pretty good job if I do say so myself. I wouldn't be surprised if more then half of them don't become life long sewers.
The pattern for these handbags will be available shortly on my website. The handbags are reversible and great for beginners. This pattern was designed by a 20 year old new sewer. I do have to say I am impressed with that myself.   

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Zipper pouch

Zippered pouch 

Supplies needed
4 pieces of fabric the same size
Zipper the same size as top of your bag or pouch
Standard sewing machine foot and zipper foot

1. Place zipper face down on right side of fabric (facing outside fabric).

2. Place lining fabric on top of back side of zipper and pin all three layers. Make sure all three edges are even.

3. Unzip zipper a little before you start sewing so you don't have a bump near the zipper pull. Stitch zipper using your zipper foot. Make sure you remember to back stitch at the beginning and end of the zipper. (Hint when doing zippers always open it a little sew until you are near the zipper pull, but not on top of it and close the zipper that way you don't get that bump around the pull and continue sewing).

4. Open up fabric

5. Place outside fabric over zipper and lining under zipper as shown and stitch. Remember to leave zipper open a little when you are sewing.

6. Open all four layers and pin all around make sure the outside fabric edges all meet and the lining edges all meet. Leave a hole at the bottom in the lining so you can turn it inside out. 

7. Stitch all around remember to leave a hole and backstitch at beginning and end. When you get to your corners put your needle down lift your presser foot and turn your fabric so you have a sharp corner, lower your presser foot and continue sewing. Make sure you do that for all four corners.  Careful when you sew near the edge of your zipper. 

8. Turn it inside out and close the hole in the lining either by machine or by hand.

9. Push corners out and lining in and you are done!

Congratulations, I'm so proud!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Sewing Birthday Parties at Maria Sews A Lot

I am so excited to announce that as of today I will be doing Sewing Birthday parties.  It is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I have a Shiny Princess room, I have a crown, now I'm having parties.  They are going to be so much fun!
I'm going to let the birthday person pick what he or she wants to make and show them how to use the sewing machines and let them create what they will. They will get to choose between pocketbooks, backpacks, stuffed animals, pillows, tote bags or whatever they decide. I can't wait!
Here is the link to my site Maria Sews A Lot Sewing Birthday Parties